Buying tickets
Saturday is an all-tickets day, so you'll need to buy a ticket in advance using this page.
For Sunday, you can pay on the door (which costs £10) or you can buy a ticket in advance (which is less expensive and easier when you arrive).
To buy a ticket in advance, please read the instructions shown below before proceeding with your payment. Thank you.
>> If you have trouble buying your ticket, please contact Nick using the details on our Contact page
Ticket Type | Arrival time | Price | Link |
SATURDAY - ALL DAY | Any time on Saturday (10am to 4pm) | £7.50 | CLICK TO BUY |
SATURDAY - AFTERNOON | Any time on Saturday afternoon (12pm to 4pm) | £5 | CLICK TO BUY |
SUNDAY - ALL DAY | Any time on Sunday (10am to 4pm) | £6.50 | CLICK TO BUY |
SUNDAY - AFTERNOON | Any time on Sunday afternoon (12pm to 4pm) | £5 | CLICK TO BUY |
WEEKEND TICKET | Any time on Saturday and Sunday (10am - 4pm) | £10 | CLICK TO BUY |
GROUP TICKET | 8 or more people on Sat or Sun (10am to 4pm) | £5 | CLICK TO ENTER DETAILS |
As you can see in the table above, we have Group Discount Tickets for groups of 8 or more people, at £5 per person. Please fill in the details on our Group Tickets page and we'll email you the details of how to pay.
If we have to cancel the event, for any reason, you can use your tickets in 2026 at no extra charge.